By the time we got up and going it was around 10am. On the edge of town Steph spotted “Kangaroo Hotel”. That definitely deserved a look! Greeted by a sign telling us we were 17000kms from Perth, we found a seat and ordered hot chocolate. Pleasantly surprised that they had wireless internet, it ended up being 12:30 before we finally left :( It was going to be a short day…
Amazingly enough the rain had stopped and the coastline was spectacular! Montenegro had finally got its shit together :) Now all we needed was to find a quieter road and everything would be perfect.

After starting so late, we only made it 18kms before deciding to stop. It always stresses me out if I don’t make at least 20kms in a day. I have a psychological need to pass that barrier or it feels like I’m not getting anywhere. I also keep getting haunted by images in m y mind of snowy mountains. The longer we take the colder it gets! Already I’m thinking Turkey is going to be an issue so I am actually playing with the idea of stopping in Istanbul for three months over the winter. It would be a great chance to study the language as well. We will have to see.
Finding a restaurant I got another great meal, a big bowl of goulash for just €3.50. Montenegro is wonderful.

The other thing that is really special in Montenegro is the people in their accommodation industry are all super friendly. Everyone we have stayed with has bent over backwards to ensure we have all we need. It’s fantastic!!!
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Our Skits on Youtube 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Partypilgrims "The Movie" 1
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