It isn’t really that bad once you are walking, it’s just the thinking about it beforehand that hurts :)
We only got 3kms down the road before the morning cappuccino started calling. It was 9am, and the first café we stopped in didn’t serve coffee!!! Then the next place didn’t have cappuccinos…at least they did Turkish coffee though so all was not lost.
Pulling out the backgammon we started to play. Now we are scoring again it isn’t so much fun, and all a bit tense. Sure enough it soon turned into an argument, then a more serious conversation about life in general, then like all meaningful family discussions ended in tears :) But then, like always, it opened the way for more meaningful lines of communication and we were once again one big happy family.

We discussed some really good points about relationships in general. What I felt was one of the more important was the concept that it is nearly impossible to see people we know as how they are right now. We always see them through the filters of how they have acted/reacted/treated us in the past. It is one of the reasons it is so liberating to travel. When you arrive in a new place you have the opportunity to create a completely different story about who you are.
The walk onwards was hard work. Following a busy road, through nothingness, while it was still raining. A perfect day ;)
We managed to get off the main road for the last 3kms and finally got a nice view as we walked down into Budva. What a great town. It’s the first place in Montenegro that I’ve past that feels like it’s got life on it.
The hotel was a bargain at €11 each. It was clean, had a TV and a heater in each room, and the best part was that for once we didn’t have to wait for hot showers! It’s called the Olympic Hotel and is just round the corner from the bus center.
They also recommended a restaurant in the old city. As I was entering I saw a sign advertising the “meat plate” for €6. I couldn’t resist…
I was served a plate of ham and cheese for an entrée and a big side salad. When the main arrived I realized I must have read the price on the sign wrong. There was a sausage, a pork chop, a hamburger patty, two rissoles, all on a bed of fries! It was awesome but even after all this walking there was no way it was all going to fit in.
I was resigned to the fact that it was probably €16 and couldn’t believe it when the bill arrived and it was all only €6! I’m really starting to like Montenegro :)

Then to top the evening, the receptionist at our hotel invited me out for some drinks after she finished work. Unfortunately, she didn’t drink alcohol, coffee, or smoke so when I arrived after half a bottle of wine and a few beers, I don’t think my conversation was quite what it was when we met ;) She also wasn’t too impressed after asking how long I was staying in town…“till 7am tomorrow morning” :)
But oh well, that’s the life of a pilgrim and we had a good night anyway…
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