Heading down to Rami's shop we sit for a quick chat before returning to his verandah for nagile and Olympics. I can't believe my eyes, an Australian, who Adel and I nicknamed Zoolander after the heats, is jumping for a medal in the pole vault. It's his last attempt at 1.90 with one other jumper to go. Holding my breath a big cheer erupts from my lungs as he hits the mat safely.
Very sporting I know but all my willpower suddenly goes into ensuring the Russian flops...
Flop, flop, flop...
The Russian flops!!! Brilliant :) Zoolander picks up Australia's first mens track and field gold in 60 years. Well overdue, bloody good effort Zoolander! Then just to top it off he goes and jumps 1.96 for an Olympic record. Champion!!!

Midnight strikes and a friend, who a few days ago also invited me to a party tonight, calls to see what I'm doing. I was going to give it a miss but I might not get another chance to see her and having never been to Jetset I decide to check it out.
The event is a going away do for a Russian girl whom I've never met, and with Russians in abundance the atmosphere is great. After catching up with Rana I end up chatting with one of the Russian diplomats...
"So, Ben. What do you think about the situation in South Ossetia?"
"I'm actually with the Russians on this one. I quite like the idea of states being able to align themselves where they like..."
He smile and nods approvingly and I continue...
"Yes, just like Chechnya"
"Aaaaaaahhhhhh" He lets out an almighty roar as his fingers close around my throat. Luckily for me he sees the funny side and soon lets me go :) Drinking with Russians is never pretty and by the time I'm ready to go I'm plastered...
Catching a taxi back to Rami's he lets me know he's still ten minutes away. Spotting a small pick-up truck across the road I can't resist...
I wake to my phone ringing...
"Ben, where are you?"
Rami can't believe his eyes when my head pops up from the back of the truck. Luckily he finds it incredibly amusing and I can see why communities where alcohol is only consumed in moderation, if at all, must think all foreigners are completely mad :)
Rami's English teacher, also a Palestinian, has dropped in to visit. Soon enough he asks my opinion on Israel and not having learned my lesson from the Russians I happily give him a drunken version of my thoughts. He listens intently and seems more interested in just listening to my opinions rather than having a debate. Luckily for me in this state :)
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