Setting off we realize the wind is against us! This makes it tough going as we slog it out on the highway.
Walking through Turkey has been quite sterile so far. As we have stuck to the highway we have just hopped from service station to service station. This has been great as we always have food and electricity but there isn't much culture...

The time passes way too quickly and it isn't long before it's time to go...
Sabine has planned to visit her family in Germany with a friend of hers living in Istanbul, Monica. Monica decided to take her holidays slightly early and will come and pick her up tomorrow. The plan was to make it to Tekirdag Friday morning and spend the day looking around before she leaves.
But now we are only 20kms away from Tekirdag and there is still 5 hours of daylight to go. I think we can make it tonight...
Sabine doesn't fancy a forced march down the highway on her last day and decides to hitch. We arrange to meet at the first restaurant coming into town and she rings to see if Monica can come and get her tonight.
So, here I am back on my own :) There is a freedom when walking by myself which is great. It takes away a lot of the thinking and decision making...When I want to stop I just stop. When I want to go again I get up and go. There is no "should we do this....should we do that"
But saying that I still much prefer doing this pilgrimage with company ;) I'm missing you already Sabine...
Without anyone to talk to, I plug myself into my mp3 player and make the 20kms in just over four hours.

I have arranged another couch with couchsurfing and my host comes to get me with his brother. Monica is still twenty minutes away so we wait till she arrive before saying our goodbyes. See you guys in Istanbul!!!
Omur's brother is having a little party at his house so we head home and start drinking. The house is a typical bachelor pad and the lads are well entertaining. I have to laugh as I hear that the wood they are burning on the fire was, until a couple of days ago when they were drunk and short of firewood, a $1200 sofa!
Around midnight Omur decides that a sheep intestine sandwich is in order and is keen to get me to try one. After tasting it I realize I have eaten one before and they do taste great, even if the thought of it isn't...
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