I wake covered in sweat, feeling like I'm being baked alive...I think it is about 70 deg!!! The sun is shining right on my tent turning into an oven. I glance at my phone to find it is still only 9am, the heat is a bit too much though and I drag myself out into the fresh air...
Everything feels like crap today! My head hurts, my body hurts, my spirit hurts, but there's nothing else to do other than keep walking.
Collapsing at the first shop, I try to pretend I'm somewhere else while the owner and one of his customers are super keen to talk to me. The occasional smile and nod keeps them happy, but I have to try hard not to vomit on his floor :)
Another 8kms down the road a big hotel appears and I'm pretty sure I will be able to stomach some food. It all looks rather posh so I don't want to put myself off my meal by finding out the price first...

Finally starting to feel human again I set myself a goal of reaching Hereke, 15kms away, by 4pm when the final of the French Open will start. It is a really nice walk and right on four I reach the edge of town. My timing couldn't be better, it starts bucketing down with rain just as I reach the main road.
Finding a cafe with a TV, I ask the owner if they will watch the tennis but they seem to be having a bit of trouble understanding me. I start making swinging motions and one of the customers comes to my rescue...
"Yes, yes, the final of the French Open!"
He says a few quick words to the owner and two minutes later I settle in to watch the match. It takes under two hours for Nadal to completely destroy Federer, probably the most unconvincing match I have ever seen him play. A bit disappointing but I suppose no-one can be brilliant all the time...

I am greeted with a great stretch of road right on the sea with people picnicing and fishing at regular intervals. Finding an unoccupied gap I wait for dark, enjoying the view over the Marmar sea before setting camp.
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