On the way in to Narlihan the road was lined with restaurants and service stations so I figure the way out should be pretty much the same. I couldn't be more wrong! Luckily I filled up with water before leaving because from the first step out of town there is nothing. NOTHING!!!
Nothing that is except amazing views. It's one of those days where I walk for a couple of hundred meters, stop and take a photo, then walk a couple of hundred more before stopping again...Beautiful!
The reds in the soil I was seeing yesterday are now highlighted by the sun giving an awesome contrast with the rocks and trees. The mountains are rocky with steep cliffs in abundance. A truly magical landscape!
Ten kilometers out of Nalihan I finally stumble upon a little service station. Hoping for a restaurant I'm disappointed with their selection of food. Chocolate bars or biscuits...or chocolate bars :( Looks like this is lunch so two chocolate bars and a can of Pepsi later I'm ready to get back into it.
Making another 10kms I start feeling slightly worried with the lack of shelter, there is nothing out here offering any shade at all! Spotting a dry creek bed passing under the road I go and suss it out and find a great little cubby house to relax through the heat of the day.
Attempting to read, it isn't long before I pass out cold...
It's still bloody hot when I wake and I find it a bit hard getting going. My bread and cheese isn't looking so appealing so on an empty stomach I make a move. I'm really not feeling like walking anywhere, but there's not much else to do ;)

"This is the end...."
Nice choice God!!!
First song up is the Doors and really doesn't do much for my mood. Walking around in the desert listening to this seems a bit silly and I only manage to get half way through before searching for something a bit more upbeat :)
Passing the next rise my spirits get a lift anyway, finally I can see some civilization! It's still 7-8ks away but with it in sight the walk is all of a sudden a lot more enjoyable.

Suddenly the top of my tripod falls off and I watch in horror as my video camera bounces along the road. FUCK!!! In over 4500kms this is the first time I've dropped it!
Taking a deep breath I go and collect it...luckily it's still all OK, making a few funny noises now and again but still OK :)
A town comes into sight and I eagerly search for a restaurant...but no luck :( I try to think back on when I took my last break and realize it was 14kms ago! I must be hungry!!! Normally 10kms is the maximum I like to walk without stopping.
After a brief rest I keep going, knowing that Cayirhan should only be 6kms away.

So two hours later, about 23:00, I finally make a move and realize that even though I didn't start drinking tea until 8pm, I've still managed to consume five cups in the last three hours! None of which I ordered :)
And, as is always the way, I had 36kms of nothing all day, and now I want to find a camping spot I get 3kms of industrial area! But oh well, it's just kilometers I don't have to walk tomorrow...
The industrial area finishes and spotting another dry creek making a tunnel under the road I call it a night.
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