Hi guys
I have just found out that eBay has withdrawn the listing for my boots!
I have sent them an email to find out why, and will let you know when they are back online...
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Buy My Boots!!!

Yes, that's right. You now have the chance to buy the boots that took me the whole way from Canterbury to Rome.
Click Here
to go to the auction.
to go to the auction.
As you all know I am trying to make a documentary of the next stage of my trip, so the funds raised will go towards this.
It has been a while since my last post and I have been enjoying the rest. My feet are starting to look normal again, and my legs have finally stopped hurting :)
The other BIG news is that my mother has heard my call and will come and join me from Rome. Her goal is to make it to Istambul! WOW! It says a lot for the genes in our family i know ;)
We will set off on the 21st or 22nd of September so stay tuned...
It has been a while since my last post and I have been enjoying the rest. My feet are starting to look normal again, and my legs have finally stopped hurting :)
The other BIG news is that my mother has heard my call and will come and join me from Rome. Her goal is to make it to Istambul! WOW! It says a lot for the genes in our family i know ;)
We will set off on the 21st or 22nd of September so stay tuned...
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Thank You All :)
So now it’s time to hang my boots up and take a short holiday from being a pilgrim…
I have found over the last few weeks that I have become very self-absorbed because of spending so much time in my own company. I think my social skills have taken a bit of a beating and when I read back through some of the emails I wrote recently, I feel that they also show this.
So now I will try to readjust back in to the “real world” :)
I would like to thank everyone who has been following my journey. You guys are all great! I cannot express how much it has meant a to me to know that I have not been walking alone.
For those of you who would like to continue following my journey through to Jerusalem, I will place regular updates on this blog to keep you all informed.
I also put together a website…
Please feel free to contact me anytime :)
My plan right now is to be walking again by the start of September. Between now and then I am going to try to drum up support for a documentary, as well as try to find some other people crazy enough to join me on this next stage ;)
So if you have itchy feet…
I have found over the last few weeks that I have become very self-absorbed because of spending so much time in my own company. I think my social skills have taken a bit of a beating and when I read back through some of the emails I wrote recently, I feel that they also show this.
So now I will try to readjust back in to the “real world” :)
I would like to thank everyone who has been following my journey. You guys are all great! I cannot express how much it has meant a to me to know that I have not been walking alone.
For those of you who would like to continue following my journey through to Jerusalem, I will place regular updates on this blog to keep you all informed.
I also put together a website…
Please feel free to contact me anytime :)
My plan right now is to be walking again by the start of September. Between now and then I am going to try to drum up support for a documentary, as well as try to find some other people crazy enough to join me on this next stage ;)
So if you have itchy feet…
Pilgrimage from Rome to The Vatican :) 10/08/07

I must have been excited this morning, because even after the wine last night I could not sleep in. I woke up at 7am in great spirits and busily prepared myself for my last walk…well, not really much of a walk, it was more like a stroll across the road ;)
It was an amazing feeling to walk into S. Pietro’s square. It made all those nights in my tent worthwhile.
I found an information office and was informed that I needed to go into the Basilica if I wanted to get my “Testamonium”, the certificate that the Vatican awards to pilgrims.
The security was a bit surprised with the size of my bag but luckily let me through anyway.

S. Pietro’s Basilica is a truly awesome, one of the most impressive structures I have ever seen. But I was trying not to look as I have a friend meeting me tonight who came to Rome just to show me the Basilica tomorrow…so we won’t tell her I already took a glimpse ;)
Nobody seemed to know the exact location of the office I was meant to find but I finally located it.
For the information of anyone else who does this pilgrimage, after you enter the Basilica go down on the left hand side until you reach the entrance to the museum. Follow the hall until you reach the museum ticket desk and just before it on the left is a roped of passage with a guard. Tell the guard what you want to get a “Vatican stamp” or “Vatican timbro” and he will take you to the office.

I have heard that some people get there “testamonium” on the day, but I was asked to bring back a copy of my pilgrims passport and they would send I out. So if you bring a copy with you the first time you might save yourself an extra trip.
Thank you all for sharing this journey with me and I look forward to seeing you all back here for the rest of the pilgrimage shortly…
So that’s it….for now :)
Friday, 10 August 2007
Pilgrimage from Palo to Rome 09/08/07

I was happy to sleep in this morning because I thought it would only be a short walk today. When I woke up at 08:30 Mario came out to say goodbye and gave me a wonderful packed lunch of tuna, tomatoes and bread. What a champion!
I had a spring in my step, as I knew this part of the journey was almost over. The walk felt great, but it was still all along the highway.
Whenever I asked about the distance to the Vatican I was continuously given different answers, with a range of around 15kms. I was once again wishing I had a map :(
Also, the highway seems to bypass all the towns now, so the only places to stop are the service stations. I did find a caravan park though and decided to stop for lunch.
It was wonderful. They put on a great buffet and I once again ate too much. If they had the internet I would have stayed as they said they were only 15kms away from the Vatican.
I thought there would be quite a few places to stay on the outskirts of Rome but I was mistaken. The next place I found was he Holiday Inn, and when I went to talk to them about the distance to the Vatican I was informed it was only 4kms away! The guys at the counter where great and recommended this wonderful little B&B about 200m from S. Pietro Basilica for only €50. As they wanted €100 for the night, I got them to book me the B&B :)
It was an amazing feeling walking in to Rome. It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The last 4kms flew by and it wasn’t long before I caught my first glimpse of the Vatican. What a feeling!!! :)
As I still had my packed lunch from Mario I figured I might as well leave the final push for tomorrow and have my last pilgrims meal tonight with a nice bottle of wine.

The B&B was awesome! I highly recommend it. I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting much after seeing what €50 would get me along the coast, but I was pleasantly surprised. The room was brand new, there was a kitchen to cook in and you could help yourself to the “breakfast” whenever you wanted. It’s called Carolina B&B – Ph. 0039 347 180 6657 and from the front door you can see S. Pietro Basilica! Amazing :)
So after a hot shower, catching up on all my blog entries, eating Mario’s packed lunch and drinking quite a few glasses of wine, it was off to bed to dream about my final day tomorrow on the Via Francigena.
Pilgrimage from Civitavecchia to Palo 08/08/07

I was woken up at 04:30 with things crawling all over me. I got out my torch and sure enough I had left my flap open a touch and an army of ants had moved in…
They were only small and didn’t appear to bite, so considering I wanted to get up at 05:30 anyway, I just curled up in my sleeping bag and went back to sleep :)
I have now been three days without a shower or a swim and have developed quite a nice layer of dirt. Curled up in my sleeping it soon turned to mud! It was an extremely pleasant sensation waking back up at 05:30…very sticky :)

And then I had to deal with the ants. Everything got unpacked and had a good shake. Just what I wanted to be doing first thing in the morning!
It was a pleasant sunrise though, and a perfect temperature for walking so I made good time before breakfast.
I haven’t been able to find a good map of the area because it’s holidays and everyone has sold out. It’s not such a problem for the route, as I don’t think I can get lost from here (touch wood), but it would be nice to plan where to stay and to find out exactly how far the Vatican is.
Spotting a sign for a Tourist Information office, I followed it to this place called Santa Severa. There is an old castle here, but not too much to see. When I enquired about a map, the only one they had would be good for about 300m down the road :(
It did however mark some ruins and when I asked about these I was told, “You might be able to see them. You have to go next door to the little museum and ask the man there. If he is in a good mood he will let you, otherwise…” then they just shrugged :) Italians are great!
I went next door and luckily the man was in a good mood, he promptly invited me in and I got my own private tour of the museum. I have to admit this made it much more interesting…even if it was all in Italian. Probably one of the nicest museum visits I’ve ever had ;)
We then went down to check out the ruins but there wasn’t much left. Only the foundations but it was still good to have a look.
At around 16:00 I decided to stop for the night at this little town Paulo. This would leave me 40-50kms for the last two days. Too easy :)
I found a parish and even though they didn’t have room for pilgrims, the caretaker, Mario, let me camp in the back yard. The best thing was I could get a shower!!! It was cold but who cares, it was great!
I did have a bit of a miscommunication with him though…
He couldn’t speak any English and I though he wanted to try my sunglasses on, he obviously asked if he could have them :) So after I agreed, he was a bit surprised when I asked for them back as he was leaving…
Very amusing :)
Luckily he didn’t hold it against as later, he happily bought me out a HUGE plate of polenta.
I was in my tent watching a movie, which Mario was sure must be a porno, when dinner arrived. I have to admit that it wouldn’t be completely unknown for a porno to accidentally find its way on to my computer, so I was lucky that this one wasn’t because Mario thought he better check :)

He also didn’t leave until I had finished the whole plate. I tried stop a couple of times but without any luck. I HAD to eat it all! It got to the point where I was considering trying to stash the last few mouthfuls under my tongue because I was sure I was going to pop. Luckily I didn’t, but it didn’t make me feel so good…maybe Mario did hold the sunglass thing against me after all ;)
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Pilgrimage from Montalto Di Castro to Civitavecchia 07/08/07

As soon as I started moving around inside my tent this great yapping started up. It sounded a bit far away but I thought I better check just in case. Sure enough, about 50m away, four little “yap yap” dogs were giving it their best. Luckily none of them were game to get any closer but it wasn’t long before it got the attention of the farmer.
I gave him a wave and I figure the fact I was up and about at 6am worked in my favor because he just waved back and went back to work.
It was a boring 20km walk to along the highway to Tarquinia but I made good time. I wanted to get my laundry done, find an internet café, and then walk at least another 10kms.
Unfortunately, Tarquinia is situated on a big hill and once I was at the top I found out the Laundromat was back down the bottom…the laundry could wait so it straight to the internet.
I haven’t had much luck with internet over the last few days and today wasn’t any different. I only got half the things I wanted to do finished before I was informed that the shop was closing for lunch. So as many of you would have seen, I have had half a post up for the last couple of days :( sorry…
I did find out however that the next big town, Civitavecchia, was only 20kms away. So rather than wait for the internet to reopen, I decided to leg down there.
It was a hard slog…I have banned myself from Sprite and I think my body was protesting. And not only that, I hadn’t had a coffee today either so it was a double blow :)
Five kilometers out I decided that if I found a caravan park I would stop, but it wasn’t to be…I finally crawled into town around 20:00 and went to see if I could find a parish. After an hour searching I was still out of luck, so it was looking like another night in the tent. The worst thing was that I would have to walk out of town, which meant that I wouldn’t get internet or laundry done in the morning :(
I thought my luck had changed when I spotted a one star Albergue near the edge of town…but even they wanted €50 for the night!!! Italy isn’t the place to be in August if you want a cheap holiday. Even though saying that, I don’t think I really could be spending any less on accommodation ;) So I suppose the exorbitant prices do have their bonuses, even if it is just forcing me to camp :)
Civitavecchia had a funny feel to it so I wanted to find a good hiding place for camping. Unfortunately my legs were too tired to take me very far so I settled on this dodgy bit of a construction site. At least if I was gone before it got light it would be unlikely that anyone would see me.
Pilgrimage from Orbetello Scalo to Montalto Di Castro 06/08/07

The ground was too hard to put my tent pegs in so I had just draped my fly over the top of my tent. Every now and again these big gusts of wind would come and blow it off. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t seem to tie it on properly and kept waking up to it blowing away…
Then at 06:30 I woke up with this itchy sensation in my ear. As I stuck my finger in, my head suddenly exploded in this violent fit of vibrations. It took me a second to realize what was going on, but it seemed I had a bug in my ear. It soon went back to crawling rather than flying, which was a great relief, but it is still a disturbing feeling to have something crawling around inside your head. After a lot of head shaking, bashing, and jumping up and down, it finally gave up its new home. Thank God for that!!! I was getting worried…
It appears that on my last attempt to secure my fly I had left my tent door open! I now had every imaginable creepy crawly having a party in my tent. It wasn’t pleasant :(
So after evicting all the bugs it was back to walking. I had considered going to Orbetello this morning but after last night it wasn’t going to happen. I was heading straight for Rome :)
I thought I would stop for breakfast about 6kms down the road in Ansedonia. Once again my map led me a bit astray and on the outskirts of town I soon reached a dead-end. According to my map the road should have continued round so I considered jumping the fence but the sign above stopped me. The only words that I could understand looked like “commando” and “vigilante”. I figured commando vigilantes probably shouldn’t be messed with so I headed back :)
The town started to have a strange feel when I spotted a bar called “El Cartello”. As I went in to see if they were open, I was met by a man in an army camouflage colored wetsuit…carrying a spear gun! I would have loved to have got him on video or got his picture but I wasn’t quite game…
They ended up being closed so it was off to look for somewhere else.
I have found that since I have arrived in Italy I have almost stopped drinking beer. It is just too hot. I have now started drinking Sprite and I think I’m getting addicted. I drink between 3-6L of water every day so I should not be dehydrated, but I find myself craving Sprite whenever I stop. It’s very strange, as I don’t normally drink that much fizzy drink. I don’t know whether there is actually something in it my body needs, or whether it just wants the sugar. I think I will have to stop though, it just doesn’t feel right.
I then had a nice walk past Lake Di Burano, which is a WWF sanctuary so you can’t go down to the shore, but is still beautiful. And then back to the highway.
I got to Mantalto Di Castro right on dark and was considering walking the extra 10kms I would need to hit the “100kms to Rome” marker. But after I had eaten something I figured it could wait till tomorrow. I found a paddock and went to sleep.
Pilgrimage from Casa Di Forno to Orbetello Scalo 05/08/07

When I woke again at 08:30 everyone was still sleeping, but I figured I better get going. Thanks again guys and I promise I will stay for breakfast next time ;)
After yesterday’s effort I decided not to risk the national park tracks. I walked back to the main road along the driveway. It was another great hike with awesome views, but I wasn’t feeling so good.
I stopped for breakfast at an “Agritourismo”, which is basically a farm that allows tourists to eat or stay. It was great! I had a big plate of proscutto, cheese, tomato and bread with homemade olive oil and balsamic vinegar. This made me feel a bit better.
But it didn’t last long. Another 3kms down the road and I had to stop for a sleep.
Luckily, when I arrived in Fonteblanda I found out I was 10kms closer to Rome than I had thought. This made up for my rest :) But it still meant that I was going to be pushing it if I wanted to make Orbetello before dark...
As it turned out, I made pretty good time for the last 20kms and reached the lake next to Orbetello Scalo just in time for sunset. It was beautiful…

I figured it wasn’t worth walking the extra 3kms to Orbetello proper if it was going to be dark when I got there, so I thought I would keep walking…if I could find my torch, or just stay here if I couldn’t. I searched my whole bag but with no success. My torch was lost, so having a quick look around in the twilight I found a spot to camp behind the church.
As I hopped into my sleeping bag, guess what I found…my torch! The inside of my sleeping bag must have been the only place I hadn’t checked. I had even checked inside the tent. Always the way!
Pilgrimage from Castiglione Della Pescaia to Casa Di Forno 04/08/07

I had a choice a couple of days ago whether to stay on the main road through Grosseto, or stick to the coast. The coast road looked much more pleasant, but there was a river which according to my map, you could only cross 15kms inland, and then a national park for 15kms after that.
I decided to take the coastal route and was constantly asking people about bridges and tracks. Not a single story matched!!! It was amazing :)
All together I was told that…
“There is a bridge 5kms inland from the ocean”
“There is a bridge right next to the ocean, but only for pedestrians”
“There was a bridge, but it got washed away in a flood 10 years ago and they haven’t rebuilt it again”
“There isn’t a bridge at all”
“There isn’t a bridge, but if you give this guy a call he can canoe you across”
“You can’t walk through the national park”
“You can walk through the national park”
“You can only walk through the national park with a guide, and they leave every day at 11am, 4pm and 9pm”
So, not knowing what to expect I got an early start. I arrived in Marina De Grosseto around 9am, and because I was only 7kms from the river I figured the locals would be able to give me some good advice. I found a woman who worked at a caravan park, she said she had done the walk many times, and that yes, there was a bridge down near the beach. She wasn’t sure about the walking tracks through the park though, but she did know that you couldn’t walk all the way around by the beach as it ended half way by cliffs.
So I then set off down the beach to find my bridge. It is always a struggle walking on sand, but doing it in boots and with a pack is torture. It was a long 7kms but I finally made it.
I spotted the bridge about 500m inland and in high spirits, went cross-country through this desert like landscape to reach it.
But then my life took a turn for the worst…the bridge didn’t cross the main river, it only crossed a small tributary next to it!!! I was at a bit of a loss. I walked a bit further up the river but to no avail, it was back to the river mouth to see if I could wade across.
I couldn’t…and I wasn’t happy. I then remembered that I had a number for the guy with a canoe, so I gave him a call. He was busy and couldn’t help, but if anyone is ever down here trying this same adventure the number is +39 3461 479 362.
It was now a choice of either walking 15kms upstream or swimming across. There was heaps of driftwood about, so I decided to build myself a raft :)
I didn’t have anything to tie the logs together with so my idea was just to wrap my raincoat around three big logs and balance my pack on top. Then I could swim across while towing it. It wasn’t the best plan I had ever heard of, but I was confident it I could make it, so I went to work.
After repacking my bag, so in the worst case scenario and my pack fell off, it would hopefully still float, I was ready to go.
Luckily, I was saved from a potential disaster by this young couple, who pulled up in a boat about 100m off the coast to fish.
After about five minutes of waving at them, they finally decided to come and see what I was about. I could see by the looks on their faces that they thought I was completely mad, but they gave me a lift across anyway, thanks guys :)
So that was one obstacle out of the way, now I was just faced with the park.
My map is only a 1:200000 so it is not the best for finding walking tracks. It did however have the one I wanted marked out and it was not long before I located it. I had to jump a fence to get on to it, so it appears that you are not meant to walk through here after all.
It was all good for the first few kilometers, I saw a deer and was amazed at how close it let me get before running away. I must smell really bad ;)
I then arrived at a point where a few tracks met, but I couldn’t find the one that would take me over the ridge I wanted. I searched for about an hour before finally stopping for a rest and passing out.
Two hours later when I woke, I resumed my search without any luck. Looking at my map I figured I could walk around the ridge along the beach and then find my track on the other side.
This appeared to be a good plan as I soon found a track that looked promising. But alas, it started to take me back over the ridge from where I had come from. Thinking then that this might be the track I should have taken from the other side I started following it the other way.
It wasn’t long before the markings stopped and I was left to follow what looked like animal tracks. I could see a house further down the beach so I decided to head for that instead.
It was another 2km walk along the sand before I finally reached these cliffs with the house about 200m away on the other side. Not to be defeated I thought I could see a track up and over, so off I went.
This was one of the more stupid things I have done since starting this pilgrimage. It would have been bad enough without a backpack, but with 25kg on my back it was completely mad.
I didn’t make it far before I realized that it just wasn’t going to happen. I did however attract the attention of this older couple that was walking down the beach, so they came to help. The man seemed to know the park quite well and explained that I was on the right track the first time and to go back there.
So, in not so good spirits, I trudged the 2kms back down the beach.
It ended up being all worthwhile. The view from this track was awesome!!! It was probably as nice a walk as Cinque Terre but without any people. And with wildlife! I saw another deer as well as two wild boars.
Even though I started the day with 3L of water I finally ran out. Since I knew there was a house up ahead I wasn’t too concerned but it was really hot and I started to get very thirsty.
This little voice in my head kept piping up saying “drink the wine, drink the wine” but luckily I hadn’t quite lost all sense of reason and ignored it :)
And then I stumbled upon Italy’s best kept secret….an Italian version of Shangri-La. It was amazing!
As I got down to the beach next to the house I had seen earlier, I was exhausted. I ran into this Belgium guy, also called Ben, who invited me up for a beer. I couldn’t resist…
It ended up that the house was actually a group of private apartments. They get rented out as holiday accommodation and are surrounded by national park. There are deer running around the yard, that are so friendly that they will eat out of your hand, and there is only a private road for access. Apart from mad Australians walking through the bush, the only other way “outsiders” can drop in is by boat.
I was very impressed…an absolutely magical place!!!
And to top it off my hosts were great. A beer soon turned into an invite for dinner and a place to stay but as I hadn’t made it very far today, I only accepted the invite for dinner.
But best of all they let me use there shower :) I think it was my first proper wash in a week!

Three families joined together for our little dinner party and it was heaps of fun. You guys are all wonderful!!! Thanks heaps :)
When I went to leave I couldn’t find my torch. I figured I must have lost it during the repacking earlier in the day, but I was soooooo glad that I had this problem here rather than up in the national park! Luckily, my hosts renewed their offer for a place to stay so this time I accepted.
What a great day :)
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Pilgrimage from Lumiere to Castiglione Della Pescaia 03/08/07

I don’t know whether they do this every day, or whether it was just a one off, but as I arrived in town a huge market was being set up. It was like being in Thailand with heaps of really cheap clothes, shoes and general junk.
It seems I was just in time because as this market was setting up the food market next door was closing down, so I went and got a feed of chicken and chips. I then stuffed around town for a few hours and decided that I would walk some of the night.
From about 100kms ago, whenever I walk on the main roads, signs tell me how far I’ve got to go to get to Rome…every 100m! Its been driving me mad because I am constantly working out what day I think I'll arrive. To make it worse, whenever I check flights to London the prices keep on increasing!
Now, I’m sure there are a few of you out there thinking “What’s he doing flying to London? Isn’t he meant to be walking to Jerusalem?”. And the answer is “yes…good question” :)
I have decided to have a few weeks off in August where I will be actively drumming up support for a documentary, Hopefully I will be walking again by the start of September.
So, now I’ve decided to arrive in Rome on the morning of the 10th. This means hat I have to walk just over 30kms a day until then. So a night walk was sounding good to give myself a head-start.

It was a great walk into the hills but I was a bit worried I was going to hungry as the town that I planned to have dinner in, Pian D’Alma, turned out to be not much of a town.
The first restaurant I tried was just closing, but they also sold some local products so I figured if I was going to go hungry I might as well get a bottle of wine…

All was not lost though, I soon found this posh little restaurant which looked great. I thought I better treat myself :) I had an awesome meal of beef stew, a big plate of beans and a nice bottle of wine. It was a perfect pilgrims meal.
I only ended up having a couple of glasses of my wine, so that bottle went in the bag as well and then it was then back to the road. As you can imagine it was a bit of a struggle after such a good meal…
The walk was great! I got a lot of people honking for encouragement…or more likely honking to say “get off the fucking road you dickhead!”, but I took them for honks of encouragement ;)

When I finally made it to Castiglione Della Pescaia it was almost 1am and I was buggered. This town has a long stretch of hotels and caravan parks so I thought I was going to have to walk the 2kms through it before finding a suitable campground. Luckily I was wrong. There was a farmers paddock right in the middle of everything, and it had a ditch down the side, that when I set up within, gave me perfect cover :)
Friday, 3 August 2007
Pilgrimage from Cecina to Lumiere 02/08/07

My phone ran out of batteries yesterday so I didn’t have an alarm, and as I was sleeping in a park where camping wasn’t allowed, I was a bit worried I would sleep-in and get woken by the cops. Luckily, that wasn’t to be. At the first sound of people walking around the forest, around 06:30, I was up and about.
The morning walk was great but I was amazed at the amount of people running, walking and going to the beach. I had never seen so many Italians up this early…but it was probably just the German and Dutch tourists ;)
About 4-5kms down the road I came into another area of campgrounds. Camping must be a national sport here, there are acres upon acres of campgrounds down this coast. And they are all packed to the brim…it’s great!
I soon found one that had wireless, Camping Village “Free Time” in Marina Di Bibbina, but I was a bit disappointed to find that they only sold day passes. You can imagine my surprise when I was informed that they only wanted to charge €5 for the whole day…finally a reasonable price!!! But it did mean that I had to drag myself away at noon as it was looking like I wasn’t going anywhere for the day.
The road then turned inland, and I finally found some Tuscan wineries! I figured that my attitude had improved enough over the last couple of days to warrant indulging myself slightly with some tasting ;)
It was a bit of a struggle finding one that was open though. All the ones I found were closed for lunch and the ones that had signs saying they were “open” were all a kilometer or two off the main road…
So, by the time I had made it to St Vincenzo I was still thirsty but also getting very hungry. It seems the four hours on the interet this morning really put me out of whack with the Italian time schedule. I couldn’t find a restaurant open anywhere!!! It was also a sign that I was out of “touristville” because this was the first time I haven’t been able to get some food in Italy.
Luckily I had learnt my lessons from the past and had some rations in my bag :)
So after lunch, I didn’t have to get far before I found a winery that was open. The woman serving, called Katrina, was great. She had traveled a lot and had studied with Osho’s followers in India so we had heaps to talk about. I tried their three wines they had available for tasting and they were awesome. The last one was amazing, but when I went to buy a bottle at the end it was €49! No wonder it was so good, but I settled on the €16 bottle :) And because I read Osho, Katrina gave me the tasting for free…Thanks, but shhh, we can’t let the boss know ;)
I then made it down to Venturina for dinner and had a great cheese ravioli. It was wonderful. That is the good thing about camping every night, I have lots of money for food.
I am in farming country once again, so there are not so many good places to camp. As it was getting dark I still hadn’t found anything so rather than risk getting woken-up by an angry farmer I decided to go and knock on a door and ask….
They didn’t seem to have a problem and pointed me in the direction of a good paddock…probably the neighbors ;)
Pilgrimage from Ardenza to Cecina 01/08/07

It was another nice walk down the coastline with beautiful views at every turn. Since I had started so early I just took it easy, stopping a lot.
It was a pretty eventless day after that. I followed the beach towns all the way to Cecina before looking for a campground. The first place was full, the next one wanted to charge me €26 so I bailed and then the one after that I would have taken at €19 except they didn’t have the internet. It still amazes me that they can charge €20 a night for a patch of dirt!!! And to make it worse they are packed! The world has gone completely mad!!!
The only reason I even consider paying €20 for a campsite is to have a shower, but after checking with the hotels and finding the cheapest at €50 I decided I could wash in the ocean ;) And that I did…
I walked past Cecina through this beautiful pine forest and found myself a nice patch of beach to have a wash and watch the sunset. It was great.
And then, as it was getting dark, it was back into the forest to find a campsite.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Pilgrimage from Pisa to Ardenza 31/07/07

Once again when my alarm went off this morning I just turned it off and went back to sleep. I didn’t feel like moving anywhere.
My attitude over the last few days has been pretty crap and now my bodies decided to join in the fun. When I stopped last night my heels were a bit sore but they seemed to get worse through the night. Every time I rolled over they would wake me up in pain. They weren’t any better when I finally got up to leave so it was a painful first few kilometers.
It didn’t help that the transvestites were out in force as well. Normally I find their over the top exuberance amusing but today it was all a bit much. Every time they tried to talk to me I got a headache :(

Over the last few weeks I have been finding it easy to walk for 10kms without taking a rest but lately I have been lucky to make 4-5kms. It seems that as soon as I start walking all I think about is stopping again.
I managed to stagger the 20kms to Livorno and spotting a laundry on the way in I decided to do some washing. It was token operated and there was no one around to help so after inserting €20 it asked if I wanted 6 tokens (4 too many). I pushed the “no” button but to no avail. I then rang the number on the machine but the woman didn’t speak any English. I figured if I wait the machine would give up and spit my money back out….it didn’t :( I gave up first and got the 6 tokens…
I was feeling pretty pissed off by this stage and put my clothes on and went for a feed. This cheered me up a bit and I realized that rather than being pissed off, I now had the chance to repay a bit of the generosity that I had been receiving over the last few weeks. So I went back to the laundry and gave away my extra four tokens. I think having a good meal helped as well, but this left me feeling much better :)
After going to the internet I thought I could make another 10kms before dark. I didn’t count on taking a wrong turn, so I only made five, but oh well…

I have also noticed that Tuscany has a lot of rubbish! It is really surprising but along all the roads and in a lot of parks there is rubbish everywhere.
I found a really nice spot by the river and set up to watch the sunset. I also had one last job to do before bed, which was to pop the big blister that had appeared on my little toe. It wasn’t pretty :)
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