We were awoken to the sound of cows and horses right on 6am. It was always going to be an early start sleeping in a barn.
The Joyet family was kind enough to invite us in for breakfast. Cedric’s brother also speaks perfect English, as he did a farm exchange with a family in Texas. They all live in this big three-story house, which each family having their own level.
I was thinking of walking back to Cossonay and picking up our trail back at the Crazy Bar but everyone talked me into walking down to Lake Geneva, or Lac Limon as the locals prefer to call it.
It was a good choice! Even though it added about 10kms to the day the view was outstanding.
The locals were all extremely friendly as well, with many stopping to have a chat. It appears that they get a lot of pilgrims heading to Santiago in these parts.
The rain had mostly stopped as we got to the outskirts of Lausanne so we thought we would risk camping. The campground was still a 30 minute walk from the city center but after we dropped our backpacks, we figured it wouldn’t be a problem.
We were wrong! Lausanne is situated on these extremely steep hills. It makes for a stunning city but really hard work to get around. The other problem is navigating with a map. You get to what looks like a crossroads and the road you want is 30m below you!
We did eventually make it to our goal, the Cathedral. The atmosphere was great as an orchestra started playing just as we arrived.
After some Maccas it was back to the campground to do some washing.
Trying to write my blog as I was waiting for the clothes to dry, my computer completely shat itself :( It had it coming so it was no surprise but I still wasn’t happy.
I needed something to cheer me up and it came when I sat down for dinner at the campground restaurant. They served horse! I have wanted to try this since first getting to France but hadn’t had the opportunity. It was great!!! I don’t know why more people don’t eat it…
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