It turned out I had walked slightly further than I had thought last night, so I only had 10kms until Alessandria.
It made for a pleasant morning walk because it was still quite cool.
The first thing I wanted to do was find an Information Centre so I could get a map (the shops here only seem to sell 1:10 000 or 1:350 000 maps), and find out where some camping grounds are between here and Genova. I then planned to do some laundry and jump on the net.
Funnily enough, being a Saturday morning, everything was open except the Information Centre and the Laundromat! If I have to wait till Genova to do my washing I feel sorry for whomever I meet between now and then ;)
At least the Internet Café didn’t let me down…
After a pasta salad for lunch and without anything else to do, I decided to start walking again.
My goal was to get to Novi Ligure, which according to the sign on the edge of town was 20kms away. It was of course extremely hot so I was taking it easy.
The Romans must have been busy creatures because there are roads everywhere! Because of this, the signs that show the distance to a town often don’t correspond with each other! Walking without a map isn’t a good idea…
You can imagine my surprise when after 2½ hours walking I found a sign that said “Novi Ligure 21kms”. I wasn’t impressed!
There was nothing left to do other than to go and have a Gelato to cheer myself up. The ice-cream here is awesome and fixes everything :) Sure enough when I went back out to start walking again the next sign I found said “Novi Ligure 12kms” :)

I have found that the heat affects my appetite so it is hard to get enough calories. After another 10kms I was feeling exhausted and thought that I better stop for some more pasta. I was good and only ordered water to drink, but sure enough I was forced to have a glass of wine anyway. The waiter couldn’t bear to see me eating without wine so he bought me one on the house. It’s almost impossible not to drink in this country ;)
It might have been because of the wine or maybe because I forced myself to eat but after dinner I couldn’t make it the last few kilometers to town. I found a clearing and crashed out under some trees.
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