I woke up around 6am but didn’t leave the tent till 10:00. I then only made it 7kms down the road before spotting an Internet café and deciding to check my email. I only planned to be there five minutes, but two hours later I was lucky that they were closing for lunch and kicked me out. I don’t think I would have left otherwise ;)
I then only made it 3kms down the road before stopping to eat and read. That soon turned into sleep and before I knew it, it was 5pm.

It was then a long flat walk along the main road to Pisa. The only point of interest was these couches along the side of the road…I thought it was funny that they appeared at regular intervals but it wasn’t a nice place to sit…
I then got accosted by this buxom blonde woman, who ended up being a buxom blonde man, and realized what it was all about. After finding out I couldn’t speak Italian, French or Spanish, she continued to try to seduce me buy making humping actions and licking her lips. Needless to say I politely took my leave, but it was all quite amusing :)
I got there around 18:30 and met this Albanian girl who studies there. She showed me round the sights, but then had to leave as she had other engagements…Thanks Violta :)
I was well impressed by the tower! Pictures just don’t do it justice.
After getting my photo leaning against the tower, there was only one other thing I had to do. That’s “eat a pizza in Pisa”, so it was off to a restaurant. I wasn’t disappointed as the pizza was excellent. I can now die a happy man knowing that I have “drunk “champagne in Champagne”, “had a cappuccino in cappuccini” and “eaten a pizza in Pisa” :)
I could do with a shower but I didn’t want to pay for a hotel. I figured in a touristy place like this they would cost a fortune, so I decided that if there was a campground on the way out I would stop.
There wasn’t so I just camped on the side of the road…
hi! i'm babette and paul's daughter, the poor sods you probably saw struggling along on bikes ages ago, your blog is brilliant i have been reading loads, the words bar and beer seem to crop up a lot though...
not to worry as they do in my vocabulary too, if you decide to pass by camaiore give me a buzz, casa del sole bed and breakfast
thanks for the invite but i got the message a day too late :( im now south of cecina.
say hi to them from me when u see them next...
ben :)
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