Well, all this partying finally caught up with me. I felt like crap waking up this morning, but still managed to drag myself out of bed to meet Dan for breakfast. We are supposed to leave today but I am really not in the mood for walking!
I went down to do my blog again, but it still wasn’t happening! I think it is time to stop drinking for a while ;) maybe until Italy…
I met back up with Dan again at around 14:00 and returned to the hostel so we could prepare to leave. After stuffing around for over two hours we finally made it out the door.
Being back on the road again felt good. I think if I had stayed another night I would have been there till the end.
The first landmark we got to was Château Chillon. This is the classic Swiss photo you see of the castle on the lake and the mountains in the background. It is pretty impressive.
Still feeling a bit dazed and confused, we had forgotten our previous lessons. We managed to leave town without a map or any food! Of course it wasn’t long before we were lost. The good thing about being in a narrow valley is you can’t go too far wrong but it is still pretty annoying to zigzag and backtrack. It also didn’t help that it had started raining again :( Luckily, we found shelter in a caravan park café for the heaviest downpour, but we still weren’t happy.
As it was starting to get dark we had no idea which of the towns we could see was Aigle, where we knew there was a hostel. Not wanting to walk in circles we decided to camp under the freeway. The footpath was only just wide enough for the tents but it sufficed. The only worry we had was that the river next to us would overflow. It wouldn’t be pretty…
hi ben . . . sleeping in a barn in europe, that's so last century. :)
haven't seen daylight for three days printing out photos and doing the wedding album you and renee gave us.
thanks! it looks gorgeous.
happy trails!!!
hi ben, me again. just gotta say thanks for sharing the journey this way with us. feel as if i'm along for the ride . . . . look forward to seeing the footage!
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