I have been meeting heaps of cool people but I am yearning to have a social contact that last more than a few hours. This is one of the drawbacks of always moving forward ;)
I wanted to leave early this morning but had a couple of things to do on the internet. Unfortunately, the wireless wasn’t working and there was a sign on the door that said the internet wouldn’t be open till noon.
The office opened at 9am so I figured since I had already bough 3 hours credit (the smallest amount they sold, €10), I would wait to see if they could get the wireless working.
They couldn’t and much to my disappointment wouldn’t give me a refund :( They just told me I would have to wait till noon. I wasn’t happy but then decided that I am not really in a hurry to get anywhere so I should just use this time to catch up on everything, which I did.
The walk was great! It was a 30km stretch of bars, hotels, pubs, nightclubs and restaurants. Being a Sunday it was packed! Luckily, I wasn’t in a sociable mood or I think it would have taken me a week to pass through. It looked awesome!
I still took it easy, stopping a lot, and on one of these occasions saw this little Moroccan guy who must have had the biggest balls I have seen in a long time…
He was trying to set up a street stall but had obviously taken someone’s regular place and there were five big black guys from W. Africa all telling him to move. They only wanted him to move about 10m in either direction but he didn’t want a bar of it. I couldn’t understand what he was saying but he was abusing them all and kept making motions like he was going to slit all their throats :)
I don’t know whether to be impressed by his courage or his stupidity, but finally, after about 30 minutes, they got sick of him and one of them grabbed him by the throat and dragged him down to the beach…
Having just finished a chapter in my book I figured it was a good time to leave. So unfortunately I cant finish the story, but no doubt it wasn’t pretty :)
Since I started late, I was quite happy to walk for some of the night. It was a nice choice as the streets were packed till 1am. I even had an Italian family, who were there on holidays, stop and buy me a gelato. Thanks :)
Finally, the rows upon rows of shops and bars finished with a national park, so I set up my tent and crashed.
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