We found a great little restaurant and had a really nice meal. I am continually amazed at the quality of the food in Croatia. It’s wonderful :)
I had booked myself in for a Scuba dive at 2pm and really didn’t feel up to it. Wanting to do a dive the whole way down the coast, this was going to be my last chance in Croatia, so I thought “fuck it, it’s got to be done!” ;)
And boy, am I glad I did. The dive was great! We went down through a couple of caverns, saw a lot of fish, and almost froze to death ;) During the dive I felt Ok but once I was out of the water the cold really hit me. I also got to try out the underwater casing for my video camera. That was pretty scary, but it survived :)
Anto, the owner is a really cool guy. If you are in Dubrovnik and want to go diving look him up. His dive shop is located in the Dubrovnik Palace Hotel and the best thing was his equipment was all brand new.

Ph: +385 918990973
Steph was already in a bar, so I figured the best way to warm back up would be with a couple of shots of liquor. It seemed to do the job :)
Then it was back to Fresh to continue the shenanigans. I really don’t know why I do it to myself, but it’s all good fun ;)
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