It also meant we were up and ready to go by 06:30. It was freezing!!! We made great time because we could only ever stop for a minute.
Arriving at Dugi Nijve, there were two animals roasting at a local restaurant. One was definitely a pig ;) But once again I was an hour too early…
I have taken a liking to the toxic black stuff the pirates drink, so after a glass of that and a couple of games of backgammon we decided to try to find some roasting animals 3kms down the road at Ravca.
Just out of town we were summoned in for a drink by one of the locals, Fila. Being good pilgrims we couldn’t say “no” :) She was great! On entering her house we had the choice of wine or coffee. This soon turned into a choice between wine or “Croatian rocket fuel”. I chose the rocket fuel, Steph chose water but got rocket fuel anyway :)

Fila fed us up on a great feed of ham and cheese and just as we were leaving she decided that we would need some rocket fuel for our journey. She figured 0.5L would get us to Medugorje…I think 0.5L will get us to the moon ;)
Thanks Fila! :)
The rocket fuel must have done its job as it was only 16:30 when we arrived in Vrgorac. We had made 32kms today! I was well impressed!!!
Stopping for dinner, we asked the waiter if there was anywhere in town to stay. After a few phone calls, Steph was starting to look worried as the answer kept coming back “no”. It had been a rough couple of nights in the tent and we were both looking forward to a hot shower!

But finally we had success! We got a room, but much to our disappointment the hot water system hadn’t been turned on :( That was enough for me…I was straight to bed.
Let’s just hope we have hot water in the morning…
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Our Skits on Youtube 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Partypilgrims "The Movie" 1
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