Dubrovnik is a city that looks after its cats.
Morsels of cheese left here and there on stone walls, a bag of dry food tipped in a corner by the rubbish bins, last night’s stew (still in its baking dish) left for happy healthy street cats.

We left town by the gentlest slope we could find, keen to avoid the two main roads way up high on the spotted mountain – neither of us was in the mood for a vertical hike or the highway traffic. We found a beautiful walk around the ocean cliffs that turned out to be the old road and (hallelujah moment) it met up with the highway a few kms down the road.

As we walked around the coast, cats were lined up on the old wall,
Adriatica’s premier real estate, eating from their own dishes! We soon discovered why. A woman, walking with her dog, was feeding them as she walked by. It must be a daily routine. If you look closely above these kitties in the photo, you will see they have their own bed!

This morning I walked the city walls, while Ben finished his blogs. My mind’s eye conjured trysts and sword fights and all sorts of shenanigans – I’m sure these walls have seen it all over the centuries.
Yes indeed, Dubrovnik is a beautiful city.
It’s not easy being on the road again. Two days pack-free in warm cosy beds and we’re soft already! For some reason it eats into the stamina . . .
We managed about seven kms out of town before darkness blotted out the day. Summer time has ended, taking us by surprise on the weekend. This shortens our already shortening days, as it puts us out of sync with the workaday services we need. Guess it just makes those early starts all the more important!

As we wandered around the coastline I was aware that until now we’ve always had a destination, even if it was a few days away – Avezzone, Pescara, Zadar, Split, Medugorje, Dubrovnik. These have been our lights on the hill.
Now there is only Istanbul. We are truly entering the unknown geographically . . . I wonder what it means for the spirit and the heart?
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