The walk in to Sibenik is awesome. The road winds over the hills giving brilliant views of the town and waterways. The problem is that you then have to wind your way down to town, a bit of a mission.
And meeting back up with Steph was no easier. The directions she gave were “Go to the port and find the information center”. Well the port is about 1km long, and anyone who knows Croatia knows that there are more information centers than pomegranates…and there are a hell of a lot of pomegranates! Needless to say, I couldn’t find her. To top it off the last text message I got said, “Just ask for 7t”. Nobody had a clue what 7t was!!! So starting to get a bit pissed off, I just found a restaurant and figured Steph could come and find me.

She did :)
I then went on to ask where the fuck she got “7t” from only to find out that her message got sent accidentally before she had finished it. We both had a big laugh when I realized there never was any 7t!
We then caught up on all our blogs before once again hitting the road. Having a choice of 60kms of scenic coast or 40kms of hills, we went for the hills. Twenty kilometers saved is one less blister ;)
And the walk was still nice. Weaving our way through the grapevines it felt great to be off the tourist trail. I had the feeling of Croatia proper.
And sitting next to a miniature church for dinner, the day finished like it began…
With a magnificent sunset :)
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