Popoli would be my last major town till Pescara, and even though Steph had decided to train the last 50kms, this would probably be my last chance to use the internet. And I had a lot to catch up on.
We made the internet cafĂ© by 10:30, and I couldn’t believe it when they went to close at 1pm for lunch and I still hadn’t completed half the things I needed to do! It’s amazing how much crap builds up when you are ignoring it all!
I figured I may as well wait till 15:30 when they reopen and get everything finished. A night walk would do me good anyway :)
But then the Gods were smiling on us again. We could get free wireless at the bar we stopped in for lunch…well, almost lunch anyway. Steph was planning on taking the meat pattie of her hamburger and having a salad burger instead, but unfortunately after removing the pattie all that was left was bun and tomato sauce! She didn’t look so happy, but I scored an extra pattie so I was smiling.
After lunch Steph headed straight for Pescara and left me to finish all my stuff. By the time I started walking it was after 3pm.
I have seen a lot since leaving England but the scarecrow I saw in the field this evening had to be one of the strangest! It was this 4m high cross between Pooh Bear and the Tin-Man from Wizard of Oz. Quite a sight!
Then 500m down the road I think I found the reason why. I came across a metalworking factory that specialized in making oversized monstrosities. Their centerpiece was a 5m long marlin!

And once again I was witness to a magical sunset over the mountains.
It didn’t appear that there was going to be much between me and where I was looking to camp, but I was still hoping for a cheap restaurant. What I got was Super-cheap! I got a plate of pasta, a piece of pizza, a big glass of wine and dessert all for €7! What a bargain!!!
On leaving I was asking for directions to the road I wanted but kept receiving the answer of “No…very dangerous! No lights”.
I wasn’t so sure on the “very dangerous” part, but the “no lights” part was sounding like me. I figured then it would be easy to find a camping place.
I was soon to find out that “very dangerous” translated into “industrial area” and that “no lights” meant “nowhere to camp”!
So, there was nothing left to do other than keep walking. After about 10kms it was back to farmland and I was happy :)
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