I don’t know what time I got home but I didn’t get much sleep. One of the fathers had offered to give me a blessing but I had to be down to see him before 08:30. At 08:20 I dragged myself down to breakfast but he had already left. Luckily though, I have felt blessed by everyone I’ve talked to since being here :)
Sharing a table with me for breakfast were two Irish priests, Father Tony and Father Rory. Two very entertaining guys, it was a pleasure talking to both of you, thanks :)
Father Rory also shared a story of his that nicely summed up the reason for my documentary. In a nutshell it went something like this…

It is stories like this that I hear and experience every day. The goal of my documentary is to make people think twice about their preconceived prejudices. I don’t expect to change them, that comes from first hand experience, but at least if the prejudices are challenged, people might take the next step and go and see for themselves.

As the caffeine started to kick in the walking got easier. We ended up making pretty good time.
As it was getting dark we found a great little paddock, hidden from the road by the railway tracks, and pitched camp.
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