We just managed to make our first major town without having to don our rain gear and sort shelter in a café. The owner was great. She spoke good English, and fed us up on pomegranate.

It was great to be off the main road! We found a nice little dirt track (well, I thought it was nice…Steph was finding it hard to walk on), to take us to the lake where we would camp for the night.
After spending weeks listening to Steph complain about the main roads, I now had to listen to her complain about the dirt track. It was very amusing ;)
I do feel for her however. After buying her computer she is now walking with an extremely heavy pack. I know it is not easy…
We found the lake, but had a little trouble finding our path that would keep us off the highway. After staggering through farmer’s paddocks, studying the map over and over, and finally stopping for dinner in a pine forest, we discovered it was only 20m down the road :)

All was looking well until 5 minutes down the track Steph decided she couldn’t do the dirt and rocks any longer. We were at a bit of a loss as to what to do. There wasn’t really that much choice so we walked for another kilometer before finding a paddock to camp. It was only five o’clock and it felt good to set up early. We had still covered over 20kms today so I was happy.
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Hi Steph and Ben
What a trip you're having. Love the photos. After all the turbulence within the last twenty years you don't seem to see any of that or is it because you are off the beaten track? Keep well, enjoy. Margaret
Hi Mard
Almost everything we have seen so far is new! There is construction everywhere here!
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