Unfortunately, the gods of communication were not…
As happens when people start spending a lot of time together, if Steph and I have a conversation about anything other than the weather it ends in an argument :) So it makes for merry walking.
We took it pretty easy for the first half of the day but as town after town didn’t have any food it was time for a change of plan. We were spoilt along the coast with restaurants and cafes at every turn but here in the mountains it was a different story.
By 15:00 it was starting to look pretty bad! We had already covered 18kms, surviving on plain bread and chocolate, and it was another 15kms until we would be back to civilization. Both of us were feeling pretty buggered, and it was either camp and go hungry, or push on until we dropped.
We pushed on…
It was a great feeling to finally round a corner and look down on Split. The city was lit up by the last rays of the sun; looking magical!

By the time we reached the first town near the coast it was just on dark. A little pizza place appeared and we literally collapsed in a heap. The owners didn’t quite know what to make of us.
After a few wines and a huge pizza the world started looking good again. We asked the owners where we could find a hotel nearby, and taking pity on us they offered to let us stay upstairs. We were very grateful! And they even had wireless!!!
Steph crashed out, so after catching up on my emails I headed back downstairs to the bar. I was just in time to see Croatia beat Israel in the soccer. That left everyone in a great mood…including the bar owner who then went on to buy everyone rounds of beer.
After a couple of games of pool and a few too many beers it was time for bed…
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