It was a bit surreal staggering off the ferry knowing we were in Croatia. Feeling slightly lost, we made our way into Zadar’s old city. I was impressed by how modern and clean everything looked. And I was even more impressed by the cafĂ© that was opening in front of us at 7am on a Sunday!
The old city had a definite shortage of hotels and after an hour of searching we kept being pointed in the direction of Borik, 5kms north.
Our first stop was the YHA, but at €15 each for bunks, we figured we could do better. Well I did anyway; Steph looked like she was about to drop and would have taken anything. Luckily reason prevailed and 200m down the road we found a beautiful little Pension for the same price.
Being a good Catholic country not many people were working today, including most of the bus drivers! We decided to walk in to town but after a couple of kilometers we spotted a restaurant and stopped for lunch. A great choice!
The waiter spoke great English, but when he was explaining the specials board I couldn’t resist the second option…”wild animal smothered in wine sauce”. I still have no idea what “wild animal” he was talking about, but it was awesome!
Lunch was accompanied with a bottle of wine and a few games of backgammon. Steph is slowly regaining her form, and is starting to claw back my lead. At the end of lunch the score was 12-7. She was very happy with herself ;)
After an afternoon nap, we finally made it back in to town for the evening. There is free wireless in the main street, so this gave us a good chance to catch up on the neverending list of things we have to do.
I am continually surprised at how complicated my pilgrims life has become. Now that I am taking the filming more seriously, it seems that I have very little free time…
Our Journey GoogleMaps
Our Videos on Youtube 1, 2, 3, 4, 5www.partypilgrims.com
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